Monday, August 27, 2007

Chap 1 p 23

and swollen, reckoning where I am, and hoping that these
could not be truly happening.

Pictures began to appear.

My vision seems to play tricks on me as delusions keep
flashing in quick sequences and then suddenly a time,
which I had long forgotten, sometime in August thirteen years
from where it all began...Cove Fort, a small rural town in Utah
where I met a beautiful blonde girl named Nicole.

The name resounds.

It is still very if it was only yesterday.

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from the author

This novel is purely a work of fiction. Nevertheless, some of the events mentioned in the story may have already happened and though imaginary characters depicted here rolled around these events, any resemblance to actual names of persons, living or deceased, real events and locales, is wholly coincidental.

Of Passion Play is humbly, my masterpiece.

It is my first book and though I've conceptualized the plot of the story a long time in the past, drawing the ornate first letter and writing the concluding word of the epilogue took almost a year to complete. The initial manuscript was edited, rewritten and re-edited several times for another five months until the final piece is done. But, publication became a standing block, a high wall to scale specially for first-time authors like myself wishing to have this printed. So, I decided to change strategy and transcribe Of Passion Play from traditional paperback format to a version in computerbytes and codes for viewing in the internet. I 've presented here as an overview of the book, excerpts from some exciting chapters which I hope you'll like.

You may visit my book's website at

Once again, I welcome and thank you ... emmanuel tomas

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